Types of worms in humans: the first symptoms appear

The living helminths infected adults and children, from which it can be defended, but not all the time. Therefore, in order to clearly understand what we need to know their types. This is the only one of the correct identification of the helminth, it is possible to win the race.

In this article, You will learn about: what is a human have in there, where we were able to pick up some of the typical signs of an infection. Take care of your health, and don't forget that it is one of the.

the kind you have to

The human mouth — the classification of the

Helminths (worms) – a large class of parasitic worms that live in humans, animals and plants. Helminths, parasitic worms, feeding on the internal resources of the body of the "boss" not only does it weaken the body, but also contribute to the development of other related diseases.

It's interesting, but almost every second person – the holder of one of the types of worms and are not even aware that complications may occur or be carried out by further investigation. Depending on the climate zone in different continents are different, you have to.

Also, you have to be divided by the transmission of the organism to the organism:

  • the bio-worms – transmitted by animals).
  • contagious – transmitted from an infected person.
  • use worms, larvae were kept in the ground.

When ingested, the larvae are swallowed, they move through the body in the bloodstream, and are deposited in the organs. Most often, you have to settle in different parts of the intestine. The classification of the place of settlement of parasites are:

  1. But the fire – life in the hollow of the seat.
  2. The tissues that are found in the tissues of the.
  3. People can also live in hollow organs, and in a thicker fabric.

In nature there are about 250 species of helminths. Each of the required conditions for their existence and development. You have to be different in size, shape, and other characteristics.

The classification of these parasites is not yet fully developed and confirmed by scientists.

The separation of the worms on a territorial basis, it is also the place. This fact complicates the classification of the parasites. In the countries of the middle latitudes with temperate climatic conditions, it is possible to count more than 20 species of helminths, which were divided into three groups according to the appearance and features:

  • Round (nematodes);
  • Band (cestodes);
  • The apartment (trematodes).

Nematodes and trematodes are more common in nature than the band parasites. The human body is the ideal environment for reproduction and growth, pinworms, and ascarids. It is also common, and Trichinella. In the cestodes belonging to the bovine, porcine, rat cepni, of a tapeworm.

Types of worms in humans — roundworms (nematodes)

Another name for these worms – nematodes. This type of fire is considered to be the most popular. They are characterized by a round body shape in cross-section. The body length of different species of worms can vary from 5 mm to 40 cm.

types of worms in the body

For a living, they tend to choose from the gut, but easy enough to move around in the host's body, and you can live in other organs.

The wide distribution of the nematodes is due to the fact that there is an infection with them is very easy. An intermediate host is not necessary, and transmitted from one infected to another. Also, an infection can develop by eating unwashed fruits or vegetables. This is the reason why infections with these helminths is characterized by a for the children, because they tend to violate the rules of hygiene.


Pinworms – the representatives of the roundworms have a round shape, with a length of about 2 inches. It comes in both children and adults. To settle in the small intestine and develop from a larval stage to an adult for 2 weeks. Pinworms cause the disease enterobiasis.

Enterobius infection is manifested by inflammation of the walls of the intestine, disorders of the digestion, and toxins from the worms cause local haemorrhages. The disease shows up in the evening itching in the anus. The itching causes the females to lay their eggs.

To be infected with Enterobius, it is possible not only through contact with shared items with an infected person, but also with the vegetables in the garden (egg) stored in the soil), cockroaches, and flies, which can carry the eggs of the worms. After enterobiasis in women of parasites, which can lead to inflammation of the sexual organs. Also, the inflammation and scratching, which leads to staph.


Ascarids – round worms grow up to 40 cm and a diameter of about 6 inches. The eggs of ascarids in contact with the soil can be stored there for about a year, before they get into a favourable environment for the development of the. When roundworm larva enters the host organism and begins to grow, it produces toxins that affect the lungs, the liver.

The larva, which passes through the body and affect the blood vessels and causes an inflammatory illness. She sits down in the intestines, and feeds on its contents. On the day of, you can determine that there is more than one thousand eggs.

Due to the significant size of the roundworm in the search for food, you can go in the water, the pancreas, the bile ducts and the liver, causes inflammation of the intestines can come up into the esophagus and block the airway. The cause of these diseases, such as ascariasis.

The presence of ascarids in the body, which can be recognized by the following symptoms:

  1. Nausea and vomiting, and abdominal pain.
  2. The fatigue of the.
  3. Diarrhea is worms in the dirt.
  4. An allergic reaction occurs.

Roundworms tend to curl up into a ball, and thus there is the obstruction of the bowel, and, as a result of peritonitis.


According to the representative of the round worms, the whipworm. Its length is 5 cm. Its unusual shape is the main part of the thin wire, and a section – wide. The presence of the human whipworm can cause trihozefalez.

The presence in the body, the whipworm trichocephalosis water, and is manifested by symptoms of:

  • the pain in the abdomen, loss of appetite;
  • diarrhea, constipation, change.
  • sometimes, blood in the stool;
  • iron-deficiency anemia.


This is the type of the roundworms live in the stomach of dogs, and the mud, the eggs will fall to the ground. Outside, the parasite like a roundworm, but is only 15 inches. The entire life cycle of the parasite takes place in the body of a dog, so getting a favourable environment for the human, the larvae perish, but have time to hurt you.

Hit the the the muscles, the liver, the lungs, the heart, the tissues of the eye, the brain, the disease toxocariasis.

The activity of the larvae in the body, which is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • the increase in temperature;
  • swollen lymph nodes, and liver;
  • a rash on the skin;
  • pulmonary infiltrates;
  • shortness of breath, wheezing, dry cough;
  • mental illness and seizures;
  • a blood test shows the presence of eosinophils.

You can confirm the diagnosis by scraping the affected area of the skin, a blood test for the antibodies, liver biopsy.


In this case, the infection occurs through the skin, or if swallowed larvae. The blood, which may be in the lungs and the heart, but rather the small intestine. They live to about 4 years of age, is caused by the hookworm. Its symptoms are the following:

  1. The heat.
  2. An increased salivation.
  3. Eosinophilia.

The pathology that can occur in the running of the stage of infection, when the body accumulates a large amount of worms. In the initial phase, you'll be asymptomatic, which will detect pathology of the can after the accident.

Tapeworms (cestodes)

If you look at all of the variety found in humans, the worms, the tapeworms are among the most dangerous. The main risk is related to the size of this kind of parasites, which can reach a length of 18 m.

Because of this, there is the impact on the human body is very unfavorable. The entire cycle of its life, there is need to change the owner. Some of the part of the tapeworms live in the body of animals, which are passed on to the people.

A tapeworm

A tapeworm reaches 10 feet in length. The cracking of the head it is attached to the surface of the intestine. The human body is obtained from pig-fresh-water fish as a larva, and develops fully in a few months.

Symptomatic of the presence of the parasite in the body, which appears as follows:

  • beriberi lack of vitamin B12, folic acid;
  • vomiting, nausea, diarrhea;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • exhaustion;
  • the increase in temperature.

The parasite is nourished by the absorption of the nutrients to the surface, its huge body. At the point of attachment of the broad tapeworm develops in necrosis. The Retreat occurring segments (containing eggs) of the worm and its eggs.

beef tapeworm

Beef tapeworm

Beef tapeworm (tapeworm) lives in the small intestine and is 7 meters in length. Beef tapeworm larvae infect humans by eating undercooked beef. The larvae are easy to spot in the flesh, because of its size, it is about 5 mm. in the human body, and the larva grows to be 3 months.

Propagated by means of the segments that contain up to 150 of the thousands of larvae. Such parts of the body of the beef tapeworm is around 2 thousand euros.

These segments independently and come out at night from the anus, and spread out over the bed. The presence of this worm can cause disease in beef tapeworm infection, which shows the symptoms:

  1. The depletion of the body.
  2. Disorders of the intestines.
  3. Loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting.
  4. An allergic reaction occurs.

Pork tapeworm

Pork tapeworm, is it possible to replace it by a bull, but the size of his modest – up to 2.5 m. The number of segments, the parasite is small – about 1 thousand. So the head has suckers and a proboscis with hooks, which is attached to the thicker of the intestines.

You can become infected through raw meat and fat. This parasite causes the disease taeniasis and cysticercosis. Symptomatology is dependent on the number of worms in the human body. A large number of parasites, which can lead to a blockage of the intestine that can be treated only surgically.


It is the causative agent of the hookworm. Habitat – a 12-perstny gut. The length of the worm, approximately 14 millimeters in length. Fed by nutrients that are produced in the intestinal wall.

The parasite throughout the blood vessels, it gets to the liver, the lungs, the heart. Ankylostoma infection shows the following symptoms:

  • belching, nausea, heartburn, vomiting, and diarrhea;
  • headache, dizziness;
  • cough, dyspnea, pneumonia, pain in the heart;
  • tiredness, chronic fatigue.

Hookworm causes complications: hepatitis, ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer, bronchitis, laryngitis, endocarditis. To verify the diagnosis through a blood test, fluoroscopy, x-ray.


Called, simply, due to the fact that they are unicellular. However, this does not mean that its presence is in the human body, do not cause trouble. These types of parasites, which may occur when less severe disease than in the other cases.


Their danger stems from the fact that it is the presence in the body is not a pathological event. People are infected by these micro-organisms, swallowing the cysts of Giardia. This can occur when swimming in open water. Their reproduction occurs by dividing the cell in half.

From the stomach the parasites, which are spread all over the body along with the blood, which affect a variety of organs.

The patient may notice the symptoms of a variety of diseases, but no data on the reason for their development. Giardiasis often causes the following diseases:

  1. Allergies.
  2. Bronchitis.
  3. The bronchial asthma.
  4. Dermatitis.
  5. The cholecystitis.
  6. VSD.
  7. Enterocolitis.
  8. Dyskinesia of the 12-duodenum and biliary ducts.
  9. Enteritis.
  10. A chronic fatigue.

Follow the progression of giardiasis may be caused to the Central nervous system and the circulatory system.

The symptoms you have

The manifestation of helminthiasis in humans may be different. The symptoms that occur in people who have serious infections of the:

  • A painful look.
  • Of the weight loss.
  • Pallor.
  • Itching in the anal area.

In the majority of cases, infection with helminths is similar to the symptoms of other diseases, the treatment does not guarantee success. Depending on the localization of parasites and the development of some of the symptoms.

Failure of the digestive system

If the parasitic worms in the intestine, then a person who, in the face of these problems, such as the following:

  1. Diarrhea or conversely, constipation.
  2. Nausea, and vomiting.
  3. The pain in the intestines.
  4. Etc.
  5. The sudden loss of or to the contrary, gain of body weight.

The large tapeworms can block the intestines and cause constipation. Due to the permanent allocation of the waste to the person to detect the signs of poisoning is nausea, vomiting, and General weakness.

The prevention of

the prevention of fire

It should be remembered that none of the worms are unable to be fruitful and multiply in the human body, and each kind has its own length of time, after which they are going to die, for example, have pinworms it's only a couple of weeks, the roundworm for about a year now.

Delayed adults, eggs must exit the body, either with the feces or on the skin, near the anus, into the environment, in the soil, and not until then, to Mature outside of the human body, and how to do this, again and again, they start to become active and to parasitize.

Because of the multiplication of the people, you have to do more to increase the number of adults in the intestines of an infected person is only possible, if the re-infection of the eggs falling out of the mouth of the body.

For example, a person can get rid of the worms after 3-4 weeks without any treatment. But it's not so easy to keep track of the rules, the little ones, and children of primary school age.